“Creativity is a Super Power” by Dustin Hunt, poet Keyante Saxon, and students // Summer 2022

401 S Capitol Ave // Lansing, Michigan

Approximately 165’ W X 10’ H // spray paint

Muralmatics was honored to partner with several outstanding Lansing-based organizations to create one cohesive mural at CADL - Downtown Library branch. Students and staff from Building Child and Family Initiatives, One Love Global, and Refugee Development Center gathered at the lengthy two-hundred-foot wall. They transformed it into a poetic, vibrant, colorful mural. After several brainstorming and drawing sessions, multidisciplinary creative Dustin Hunt designed a piece that included a student-inspired poem crafted by wordsmith Keyante Saxon, also known as Black Edan. The goal was to remind viewers that creativity is a tangible force and, when wielded with skill, can manifest brilliance. The site, a heavily utilized public library, is accessed by a diverse range of community members from all walks of life, hence the variety of footwear featured in the mural. 

We want to recognize the time and energy each organization's staff brought to this project to ensure students were seen and supported each moment along the way. For two weeks, students were met with warm welcomes and led through warm-up exercises, and yoga poses. They were encouraged to lead group activities and discussions, guided through drawing and painting tutorials, and lovingly nudged beyond their comfort zones as they met new challenges each day. For two weeks, under scorching conditions, students showed up ready to learn, participate, and paint. They swept up debris, applied a coat of primer, wrote haikus, learned how to work with a scribble grid, practiced their can control, joked around, played, danced, and painted the wall. Bravo. Can you spot all the participants' names embedded throughout the mural? 

We want to thank our teaching assistant and guest poet, Keyante Saxon, also known as Black Eden, for bringing an upbeat, consistent energy to the wall daily. Keyante led team-building exercises, writing activities, and daily warm-up exercises while creating a student-inspired poem for the final design. Also, artist Mila Lynn, a returning teaching assistant, brought positive, creative vibes as she assisted in all aspects of this project.

We want to extend special recognition to the outstanding support staff that made this project possible. Ms. Nancy DeJoy provided support by way of an engaged pedagogy grant through the College of Arts and Letters at Michigan State University. She arrived at the wall eager to learn and ready to support students every day. Ms. Marian Bryant brought her steady hands and wise counsel to the wall throughout this project. Ms. Ana Holguin brought her bright, knowledgeable presence to the wall and shared an abundance of warm-up and grounding exercises that balanced out the youthful energy of our students.

Additionally, we want to acknowledge CADL - Downtown Library for providing the necessary space to build with our students, hosting the mural, feeding us for two solid weeks, and advocating for this project for several years.

Every mural takes many hands to complete. To all the hands involved in this project, thank you.

Special thanks to McShane Photography and Paradiso Productions for the photos.